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 50 Cent - Terminator - 2008

Shko poshtė 
K|nG iLiriX
K|nG iLiriX

Male Numri i postimeve : 222
Age : 33
Location : n'Karrik Perpara Kacaniku.ForumN
Registration date : 26/06/2008

50 Cent - Terminator - 2008 Empty
MesazhTitulli: Re: 50 Cent - Terminator - 2008   50 Cent - Terminator - 2008 EmptyFri Jun 27, 2008 1:19 pm

50 Cent - Terminator - 2008 444150CentT

50 Cent - Terminator - 2008

Album: Terminator (The Curtis Jackson Chronicles)
File type: mp3
Bitrate: 133 kbps avg
Source: CD
Year: 2008
Genre: Rap

Track List
1. Fat Joe Funeral Pt. 1 2:07
2. Piggy Bank 3:32
3. Im On It Like That 2:38
4. Ja Rule Duets (Skit) 1:21
5. Order Of Protection 2:28
6. Back Down 4:03
7. Hail Mary 4:47
8. Beef Wit Me 1:41
9. Hot 97 50 Vs. Canron Interview 4:33
10. Funeral Music 3:09
11. Hold On feat. Young Buc 4:04
12. Buryin Rappers 0:32
13. We On Some ~censored~ 1:25
14. Im Leavin 3:55
15. Confrontation 2:54
16. Power 105.1 Takeover 3:40
17. Hollow Thru Him 2:57
18. Rap City Interview 0:13
19. I Smell ~Censored~ 4:35
20. Wanksta 3:27
21. Lifes On The Line 3:40
22. I Run NY 4:44
23. Make A Movie Out Of Em 2:45
24. Be A Gentlemean 2:41
25. Fat Joes Funeral Pt. 2 5:02

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50 Cent - Terminator - 2008
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