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 Euro 2008..

Shko poshtė 
2 posters
K|nG iLiriX
K|nG iLiriX

Male Numri i postimeve : 222
Age : 33
Location : n'Karrik Perpara Kacaniku.ForumN
Registration date : 26/06/2008

Euro 2008.. Empty
MesazhTitulli: Euro 2008..   Euro 2008.. EmptyThu Jun 26, 2008 2:37 pm

Euro 2008.. Euro2008mm5


UEFA Euro 2008 features stunning visual representations of the world’s best players, playing in a more accessible, faster-paced and responsive version of the market-leading EA Sports football engine, and all of the teams and official stadiums that will be part of UEFA Euro 2008. Take on the challenge of leading one of over 50 European national teams to glory as UEFA Euro 2008 recreates all of the drama and excitement of the official tournament in Austria and Switzerland. Play as your favourite country from qualification right through to a virtual reproduction of the championship tournament.

A new game mode called ‘Captain Your Country’ enables gamers to customise them on the pitch and wear the shirt of their national team. Work through eight status levels to earn the captaincy of your team and then lead your country into battle for championship glory against your rivals. Go online in ‘Battle of the Nations’ to earn status points for yourself and your country in a competition for global supremacy. Go for the biggest upsets to earn the most points and then watch you and your country move up the leader boards. Face the challenge and pressure of competing in the championship rounds in the ‘Euro Online Knockout Draw’ to test your skills against the world’s best.

Game features:

* Win UEFA Euro 2008: Compete as one of 52 teams from qualification right through to a virtual reproduction of UEFA Euro 2008 in Austria and Switzerland.
* Story of Qualifying: Play the qualifying campaign and step up at key defining moments to lead your country to Europe’s biggest prize. Complete team and individual tasks.
* EA Sports Football Engine: An evolution of the EA Sports football engine with enhanced goalkeeper A.I., collisions, and trapping that make this the best-playing EA Sports football game.
* Authentic Stadiums: Compete in all 8 official stadiums of UEFA Euro 2008.

System requirements:

* OS - Windows 2000/XP/Vista
* Processor – 1.3 GHz or faster (2.4 GHz for Vista)
* Memory – 256 MB RAM (1 GB RAM for Vista)
* Hard Drive – 3.92 GB
* Video Card – 128 MB
Mbrapsht nė krye Shko poshtė

Male Numri i postimeve : 262
Location : Kaēanik
Registration date : 24/06/2008

Euro 2008.. Empty
MesazhTitulli: Re: Euro 2008..   Euro 2008.. EmptySat Jul 05, 2008 8:35 pm

Mbrapsht nė krye Shko poshtė
Euro 2008..
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