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 Style XP 2008

Shko poshtė 
K|nG iLiriX
K|nG iLiriX

Male Numri i postimeve : 222
Age : 33
Location : n'Karrik Perpara Kacaniku.ForumN
Registration date : 26/06/2008

Style XP 2008 Empty
MesazhTitulli: Style XP 2008   Style XP 2008 EmptyTue Jul 01, 2008 12:09 pm

Style XP 2008 Es7whw

Style XP 2008 3167ptx
Style XP is not a skinning engine. It uses Microsoft's built-in visual style engine, but enhances it by providing many useful tools. Style XP can import, select, rotate, and manage themes, visual styles, wallpapers, logons, bootscreens, icons, cursors and explorer bar. Future versions may support sounds, screensavers, and packages of all the above. How does it work? Instead of lines and gradients, the XP user interface natively supports the use of skinned bitmap controls (a visual style). This is Microsoft's own innovation. Style XP includes its own visual styles. Style XP is supports Windows XP, Windows XP Service Pack 1 and 2, Tablet PC, or Server 2003.
Style XP comes with the following features:
- Multiple theme packs including exclusives themes such as Pearl, Gucci, Vuitton, and Gem.
- Can use zero system resources
- Supports rotation settings on a weekly, daily, or at logon basis
- Can auto rotate, preview, organize, add (from zip), create, edit, and delete Themes.
- Can auto rotate, preview, organize, add (from zip), edit, and delete Visual Styles.
- Can auto rotate, preview, organize, add (from zip), edit, and delete Logons.
- Can auto rotate, preview, organize, add (from zip), edit, and delete Backgrounds.
- Can preview, organize, add (from zip), edit, and delete Icon Sets.
- Can preview, orgranize, add (from zip), convert, and delete Boot Screens.
- Can edit several Transparent objects such as the taskbar.
- Protects against bad "LogonUI" EXE files
- Can preview and play sounds in a Theme
- Application can be skinned easily for your own look.

Style XP 2008 B6bvwh

Style XP 2008 Ix87m0

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Style XP 2008
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