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 Timbaland Present - Shock Value (2007)

Shko poshtė 
K|nG iLiriX
K|nG iLiriX

Male Numri i postimeve : 222
Age : 33
Location : n'Karrik Perpara Kacaniku.ForumN
Registration date : 26/06/2008

Timbaland Present - Shock Value (2007) Empty
MesazhTitulli: Timbaland Present - Shock Value (2007)   Timbaland Present - Shock Value (2007) EmptyTue Jul 01, 2008 5:45 pm

Timbaland Present - Shock Value (2007) 31HSBjg6uZL._AA240_

01 Oh Timbaland 03:31
02 Give It To Me (Feat Nelly Furtado & Justin 03:54
03 Release (Feat Justin Timberlake) 03:25
04 The Way I Are (Feat Keri Hilson And D.O.E.) 02:59
05 Bounce (Feat Dr Dre, Missy Elliott & Justin 04:04
06 Come And Get Me (Feat 50 Cent & Tony Yayo) 03:31
07 Kill Yourself (Feat Sebastian And Attitude) 04:07
08 Boardmeeting (Feat Magoo) 02:29
09 Fantasy (Feat Money) 04:11
10 Scream (Feat Keri Hilson &nicole Scherzinge 05:41
11 Miscommunication (Feat Keri Hilson & Sebast 03:19
12 Bombay (Feat Amar & Jim Beanz) 03:01
13 Throw It On Me (Feat The Hives) 02:10
14 Time (Feat She Wants Revenge) 03:58
15 One And Only (Feat Fallout Boy) 04:17
16 Apologize (Feat One Republic) 03:04
17 2 Man Show (Feat Elton John) 04:41
18 Hello (Feat Keri Hilson & Attitude) (Bonus) 04:35


01 Give It To Me (Laught At Em Remix) (Feat Ne 03:21
02 The Way I Are (Timbaland Vs Nephew) (Feat K 03:50
03 The Way I Are (One Republic Remix) (Feat Ke 03:34
04 The Way I Are (Jatins Desi Mix) (Feat Keri 03:30
05 Come Around (Feat Mia) 03:57

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Timbaland Present - Shock Value (2007)
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