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 Si Me Ndalur User Account Control Ne Vista SP1

Shko poshtė 

Male Numri i postimeve : 64
Age : 31
Registration date : 07/08/2008

Si Me Ndalur User Account Control Ne Vista SP1 Empty
MesazhTitulli: Si Me Ndalur User Account Control Ne Vista SP1   Si Me Ndalur User Account Control Ne Vista SP1 EmptySat Oct 04, 2008 5:53 pm

Si Me Ndalur User Account Control Ne Vista SP1 Oneoone_c

Mire E Dime Se Qekjo Photojo Ktu Nalt Cdo Here Na Paraqitet Kur Po Hapim Ndonje Program.Pyeatja Eshte Se Si Me E Ndalur.

1.Kliko Start
2.Kliko Control Panel
3.User Accounts
4.Do Tju Dal Turn User Account On ose Off.Kliko Off.
5.Pasi Do Tju Paraqitet Perseri Kjo Photoja nalt.Dhe Do Klikoni Continue per here te fundit.
6.Dhe Pastaj Benje UNTIK User Account Control (UAC) to help protect your computer, pastaj klik OK.
7.Pastaj Do Tju Dal Nje Notifikim Qe Do Tju shkruan ave any documents you have open, and choose Restart Now to reset your PC.
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Si Me Ndalur User Account Control Ne Vista SP1
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