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 Fake Voice v1.0.8

Shko poshtė 

Male Numri i postimeve : 262
Location : Kaēanik
Registration date : 24/06/2008

Fake Voice v1.0.8 Empty
MesazhTitulli: Fake Voice v1.0.8   Fake Voice v1.0.8 EmptySat Sep 06, 2008 7:13 pm

Fake Voice v1.0.8 5yas3

Fake Voice v1.0.8
4MB | English | Including Medicine
Fake Voice is a software that allows you to change your voice and turn it into a voice of male, female, old, young, adolescent, tough child drone, and so on.
Fake Voice transforms your voice in someone completely new. You can embed the false voice messaging with your favorite program and spend jokes or play with friends.

The Pro version includes BSplayer equalizer, video capture, editor subtitles, technical support and support for VMR9.

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Fake Voice v1.0.8
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