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 LingvoSoft Eng-Alb 2008 FULL

Shko poshtė 

Male Numri i postimeve : 262
Location : Kaēanik
Registration date : 24/06/2008

LingvoSoft Eng-Alb 2008 FULL Empty
MesazhTitulli: LingvoSoft Eng-Alb 2008 FULL   LingvoSoft Eng-Alb 2008 FULL EmptyFri Jul 04, 2008 5:44 pm

LingvoSoft Eng-Alb 2008 FULL 97795353wp5

LingvoSoft Talking Dictionary 2008 for Windows
Version 4.1.29

Ky Fjalor perkthen prej Gjuhes Angleze ne Shqip, dhe prej Gjuhes Shqip ne Gjuhe Angleze. Programi eshte Full version 2008. Qe nje screenshot:

LingvoSoft Eng-Alb 2008 FULL 45133536wy1

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LingvoSoft Eng-Alb 2008 FULL
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