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 Live Messenger Skins

Shko poshtė 
K|nG iLiriX
K|nG iLiriX

Male Numri i postimeve : 222
Age : 33
Location : n'Karrik Perpara Kacaniku.ForumN
Registration date : 26/06/2008

Live Messenger Skins Empty
MesazhTitulli: Live Messenger Skins   Live Messenger Skins EmptyWed Jul 02, 2008 11:47 pm

Live Messenger Skins Window10
Windows Live Messenger is the next generation of the popular MSN Messenger (simply MSN Messenger 8.1 ). This will be a part of the new Live services is releasing, they include: “Windows Live Mail” (next Hotmail), (a customized home page) and of course “WIndows Live Messenger” (as you can see they changed the MSN Messenger name to fit the pattern).

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Live Messenger Skins
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