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 One Republic - Dreaming Out Loud

Shko poshtė 
2 posters
K|nG iLiriX
K|nG iLiriX

Male Numri i postimeve : 222
Age : 33
Location : n'Karrik Perpara Kacaniku.ForumN
Registration date : 26/06/2008

One Republic - Dreaming Out Loud Empty
MesazhTitulli: One Republic - Dreaming Out Loud   One Republic - Dreaming Out Loud EmptyTue Jul 01, 2008 5:50 pm

One Republic - Dreaming Out Loud (Plus Bonus Tracks)

1. Say (All I Need)
2. Mercy
3. Stop and Stare
4. Apologize
5. Goodbye, Apathy
6. All Fall Down
7. Tyrant
8. Prodigal
9. Won't Stop
10. All We Are
11. Someone to Save You
12. Come Home

Bonus tracks

13. Apologize (Remix) (Timbaland presents OneRepublic) (International Bonus track)
14. Dreaming Out Loud (UK/Australian/Brazil/Target bonus track)

One Republic - Dreaming Out Loud 21n0488

One Republic - Dreaming Out Loud 2u7sqp5
Mbrapsht nė krye Shko poshtė

Male Numri i postimeve : 2
Age : 40
Registration date : 01/07/2008

One Republic - Dreaming Out Loud Empty
MesazhTitulli: Re: One Republic - Dreaming Out Loud   One Republic - Dreaming Out Loud EmptyTue Jul 01, 2008 6:39 pm

ehhh t'mir jon deri dikun
Mbrapsht nė krye Shko poshtė
One Republic - Dreaming Out Loud
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